duminică, 2 octombrie 2011

Hoy es el día que todos estamos esperando...

  The day that we've all being waiting for was finally here.All that waiting was finally over.Here I was with living my dream.As I put my ruta t-shirt on, I started to feel nervous.That strange feeling of leaving home and starting a new adventure was dominating.A new beginning, this was it.
 I started drinking this huge can of burn (it was 6 am and I had to stay awake all day) and then I got in the car. I decided to stress out my family once more talking to them about the ruta :D.I was going to be away for one month.Finally, one month for my parents to be "freed" of my unfinishable monologues about the ruta :).That wasn't it.I put on a song "the last train" and repeated it over and over again.bad bad person
After 1 hour in the car, we finally got to the airport, one step closer to living my adventure.I had to wait a loong time because the flight attendant who was supposed to accompany me was not there.The clock was ticking, as the minutes passed by, I put my backpack where you leave your luggage.It weighed 11,5 kg.That was what I was going to carry for the next 35 days.Then I got my ticket and said my last goodbyes to my parents and left them my cellphone.That was it.No more technology (besides my camera) for the next month.Ironically, my friends had placed bets on how long I will last without facebook, but, was I really that addicted?
 Finally, the steward took me to the plane where I was the first person to embark.This was it no more turning back.My journey had started.I walked to my seat and opened my diary, waiting for someone to sit next to me.Unfortunately, no one came.As the plane set off I couln't believe that the day that I had been waiting for was finally here and I kept asking myself: "is life a dream or is my dream alive?".Maybe I was dreaming, but I didn't want anybody to wake me up.I liked the dream and I wanted it to never end.All of the moments related to the ruta kept flashing back in my mind.It was time for me to continue the "film" and live my dream.
 Now...lets see what happend when I got to Madrid.Well, the flight assistant handed me over to a person from the airport.I was like a human package being sent from one place to another..weird in a way or another.Then, we waited for my monitor to pick me up.However, she did not show up right away.I panicked a bit at the beginning because I felt like an abandoned package, but then I saw two people coming over.One of them was Silvia(my monitor) who was laughing a lot.We then went to this place in the airport where more ruteros were and also some monitors.Juancho, the monitor from group 11 saw the little flag I had on my sleeve and he commented "Romania stole the Andorra's flag".NOT TRUE :P.I then met the other ruteros.There was a problem.Everyone had a different way of saying hi.I mean, in Romania when you present youself, you shake hands and kiss the other person on the right and  then on the left cheek.Everyone else kissed first on the left cheek and some just hugged.I just had to adapt.
  Later on, I had to take my malaria pills since we were going to enter the jungle in less than 2 weeks, so I took out the sandwiches that my nom had made for me and started eating them.I felt weird.People were staring and they kept asking me questions because they saw that I was an open person.Then, after looong conversations I decided to take out the cards and start playing, until the clock stroke 2pm.As I looked forward, I saw a monitor coming with two familiar faces.They were Julie and Viki.I got up and ran to hug them.Here we were, less than a year later, seing eachother once more in the country were we had previously met.Incredible what life had planned out for us.
 We then caught up for a while and played cards once more for like 2-3 hours, because we were supposed to wait for the ruteros from Portugal, whose flight had been delayed.Then, we saw a group of 3 ruteros.It was them.The Portuguese had arrive.They presented themselves and then hardly spoke.They were really shy.
 Moments later, we took the bus to the campsite.I sat next to Julie and we remembered the moments that we had previously spent together.
 The bus stopped.We had finally arrived at our destination.As we got out of the bus we saw people leaving back their families as they entered the gates that led to a world which was rutero-exclusive.We went into a building, left our traditional outfits, the medicine and got our ruta ids.I could now call myself an "identified rutera".Then, I looked around and saw Diego.We stopped to talk for a while and there it was, the thing that I did not expect, I had problems associating his voice with his face.Weird.I then went out, left my bags where my groupmates had left theirs and went to learn how to put up the tents.Suddently I saw what I did not want to see.Blete, group 10's monitor handed me a stick to put it all together.Now...what was I supposed to do with it? Somehow I miraculously figured it out and then, when the tent was all put up, we were free to go.Some went to the pool, and the rest of us went to get some water.Eric and Juanky presented themselves on our way back and then I saw Lluna and Paloma coming through the gates.Paloma recognised me and then I presented myself to Lluna.Then, I saw the guys from Navarra all in a line, wearing aviator glasses.Weird in a way.After that, more people came and our groups got together little by little.Soon, a monitor came and told us that Silvia would be joining us later that night because she was still at the airport.Great start.Day 1: "the abandoned group".Jara, group 2's monitor came to us and gave us some more "great news": we had to put up all the tents that afternoon.I had thought that the first night in the ruta, like in the previous editions, we would spend it in the gym, but I guess I was wrong :(.
  I was going to put up the tent with Bea and Irene but my tentmate came so I put it up with her instead, which was actually a good idea, because she was quite handy.yay
 After we put up the tents I saw IQS coming at me and then he stuck his camera into my face and asked me some questions.I did not know what to say ...I messed it up.So there went my chances of ever being a protagonista.However, Bea told me that he was going to pick me because I was Romanian....We'll see...
 Later, I saw more familiar faces and said "hi".No response...I then said my name and I received hugs and kisses.weird.Then, we went to eat.We had pasta and then chicken.
 After dinner, we all gathered together to see the esclipse.It was priceless.While watching the eclipse we chatted for a while and then Luna(the camp's "dean") greeted us.For the first time I was no longer Alina, and we were no longer normal teens, we were ruteros.
 After Luna talked to us we went and got our yearbooks, our aloe elixir products and most important, our buffs.I was so excited about my buff.I felt like I was in Survivor, waiting for Jeff to say drop your buffs, you are now one tribe.The ruteros were my tribe, but somehow it felt like we were a family.My second family.
 Later that night we went to bed.Me and Martha got in the tent and then Isa showed up amd she joined us.Even later, Silvia showed up with Katriin and she told us that where there is room for 3 there is room for 4 and Katriin ended up sleeping with so that she wouldn't have to sleep alone in a tent.
 Almost forgot to mention.That night I ended up with a headache because I wasn't used to that much talking and fast.Spaniards talk waaaay tooo much and too fast.So at one point I was with Ifi(Greece) and we talked about how we wanted to speak to non-Spanish people because they spoke slowly.
 This was it.The day that I had been waiting for had ended.It was a perfect day.
Now, my adventure has just started...Let's see what happens next ;)

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