marți, 20 septembrie 2011

Before the Ruta...

   Now.You are probably wondering...what happened next?What did I do after I got the big news?How did I prepare for the expedition?
  After I got out of the Embassy I saw the contestant, who had formerly told me that I was not going to win the Ruta and that she would, crying outside in the rain.I guess it is true, he (well me in this case) who laughs last laughs the hardest.Then, while I was walking on my way to my highschool I called my mom and told her the big news.She was also in a state of shock.After that, I got to my highschool where I told my classmates that I had won.Some were happy for me, some congratulated me in an ironic way and some didn't say anything.Then, during the break I saw my Spanish History teacher.His teacher friends who were at the Embassy supporting their students had called him and told him that I had won.What can I spreads faster than I thought.
  Later that night, I got on the facebook page of our Ruta and Maha, the "rutera" from Morocco added me as a friend and we instantly started to bond.Also later that night, my Hungarian friend told me the bad news: we weren't going to see eachother that summer, he hadn't won the Ruta :(.Better luck for him next year.
   As the days passed by, my parents' life got more and more stressful thanks to me continually talking to them about the Ruta and at school, everything went normal...well kind of...
  Each day we found out about more ruteros winning and we started adding them on facebook until one day I came up with the idea to make a group so that we can all be together and get to know eachother before the big day.I didn't manage to make the group, but my friend Jenia made it happen.It turns out to have been a success, because before the Ruta we were 160 people and now we are like 241.:)
  So...days passed, weeks passed, even months amd as the big day was getting closes and closer, I got even more and more anxios and my mind was lost, somewhere in my "ruta world".
  Then, one day I get a call from the Embassy.I had to go get my equipment.Finally, I could feel like a rutera.Well, everything was perfect until I had to go to school because I had an exam that day and I couldn't miss it.I still remember the weird looks on people's faces when they were looking at me, walking with my backpack on my back, which even bigger than me :).Well, that wasn't it.After I finished the classes, it started raining.Now...what came into my mind? why not put on my raincoat?Now...if I had lived close to school, that wouldn't have been a horrible idea, but I also had to take the metro.I looked like Humpty-Dumpty.Big backpack underneath, small backpack in my front, and a big yellow raincoat over it.The looks on people's faces: priceless.
 After that..came more days of thinking about the Ruta, a radio interview, and some more thinking about the Ruta.I started counting the days since they were 117, but soon they got less and less and I got a bit scared.The only time that I felt a bit safe was when I read the list with the winners from all over the world and I saw Julie's name and Viki's( I met them last year in a camp in Spain and Julie was one of my best friends:) ).
 As the big day got closer, I kept pinching myself.Was it really true?Had my dream become reality? And then came the moments when I kept doubting myself and kept worrying about how the Ruta might be.What if I will not resist the hikes?What if I will not understand the people around me?What if I will not get along with my tentmates?What if...?
  Then, there was like 1 week until the Ruta and there was this thing on the site called "protagonistas" and my friend said why don"t you try out? I just went for it and so one day we decided to film the clip.I had the script on a piece of paper and my friend was holding it while filming me.You will have the impression that my eyes were rolling, but the truth is that she was moving the paper and making it hard for me to read and I tried to look at the camera but also read.Quite hard :(.
 Now, one day before the Ruta, I was more and more nervous.This was it.My dream.24 hours away from being fullfilled.Did I get any sleep? NO...

Well, my next post will be about the first day in the Ruta....



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